Diabetes & obesity at the crossroads between Oncological and Cardiovascular diseases – a system analysis NETwork towards precision medicine
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This research project exploits a network of emblematic regional research, development & innovation infrastructures and is hosted by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and its Cardiovascular Research Centre (UnIC), and by Centro Hospitalar São João, E.P.E. (CHSJ), the Institute of Public Health from the University of Porto (ISPUP) and its Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit) and the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP) an affiliated research unit of the Institute of Research and Innovation in Health (I3S).
The decision to jointly study oncological and cardiovascular diseases represents a matter of public health interest. Oncological and cardiovascular diseases are the most prevailing diseases and the 1st and 2nd cause of mortality, respectively, in the Western World. Its growing prevalence is related to obesity epidemics and obesity-related comorbidities.
Our main aim is to perform an integrated management of clinical, molecular and biochemical biobank data that enables a systems biology and public health approach to precision medicine in oncological and cardiovascular diseases, focusing on the role of DM and obesity, and using bioinformatics network analysis.
Specifically we aim to:
- Expand and upgrade the collection of clinical and biological sample database of oncological and cardiovascular diseases;
- Implement an information technology tool and software that gathers and integrates clinical data that is scattered by different software applications;
- Carry out a full characterization of plasma, myocardial, adipose and tumour tissue biopsies in subgroups of patients based on comorbidities such as type 2 DM and obesity;
- Perform a bioinformatic approach to integrate clinical with the corresponding molecular data and thus conferring a potential pathophysiological, therapeutic prognostic value to these data;
- To assess omics-derived markers association with the incidence, progression or activation of metabolic and other signalling pathways in gastric and thyroid cancers and intermediate phenotypes in the cardiovascular diseases continuum in the general population.
Project Coordinator

Adelino Leite Moreira
Full Professor of Physiology, Pathophysiology & Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Centro Hospitalar de São João, EPE. Porto
Coordinator of Cardiovascular Research Centre (UnIC)
Orcid: 0000-0001-7808-3596
Research Line Leaders

Fátima Carneiro
Full Professor of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Head of the Department of Pathology, Centro Hospitalar de São João, EPE. Porto
Senior Researcher at IPATIMUP/I3S
Orcid: 0000-0002-1964-1006

Henrique Barros
Full Professor at the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Coordinator of EPIUnit - Epidemiology Research Unit, Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto
Orcid: 0000-0003-4699-6571
Research Line Co-Leaders

Paulo Bettencourt
Full Professor of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Orcid: 0000-0003-1638-3993

Ana Cristina Santos
Professor at the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Researcher - EPIUnit - Epidemiology Research Unit, Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto
Orcid: 0000-0002-2992-5299

Davide Carvalho
Associate Professor of the Medicine (Endocrinology), Faculty of Medicine University of Porto
Orcid: 0000-0002-3156-3741
- Gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma in the era of the immune context and immunotherapies
- Cardiac compliance is acutely modulated through cGMP-PKG signalling
Publicações da UnIC
Published/Accepted for publication- Jennifer Mancio Silva, Epicardial adipose tissue, coronary artery disease and cardiac remodelling in high-risk patients: EPICHEART Study. PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. July 2018.
- Neuregulin-1 attenuates right ventricular diastolic stiffness in experimental pulmonary hypertension. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2018 Oct.
- Rodrigues PG, Miranda-Silva D, Costa SM, Barros C, Hamdani N, Moura C, Mendes MJ, Sousa-Mendes C, Trindade F, Fontoura D, Vitorino R, Linke WA, Leite-Moreira AF, Falcão-Pires I. Early myocardial changes induced by doxorubicin in the nonfailing dilated ventricle. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 316: H000–H000, 2019.
- Corremans R, Adão R, De Keulenaer GW, Leite‐Moreira AF, Brás‐Silva C. Update on pathophysiology and preventive strategies of anthracycline‐induced cardiotoxicity. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2018 Sep.
- Adão R, Mendes-Ferreira P, Santos-Ribeiro D, Maia-Rocha C, Pimentel LD, Monteiro-Pinto C, Mulvaney EP, Reid HM, Kinsella BT, Potus F, Breuils-Bonnet S, Rademaker MT, Provencher S, Bonnet S, Leite-Moreira AF, Brás-Silva C. Urocortin-2 improves right ventricular function and attenuates pulmonary arterial hypertension. Cardiovasc Res. 2018 Jul 1;114(8):1165-1177.
- Saraiva FA, Girerd N, Cerqueira RJ, Ferreira JP, Vilas-Boas N, Pinho P, Barros AS, Amorim MJ, Lourenço AP, Leite-Moreira AF. Survival after bilateral internal mammary artery in coronary artery bypass grafting: are women at risk? Int J Cardiol. 2018 Nov 1;270:89-95.
- Cunha FM, Pereira J, Ribeiro A, Amorim M, Silva S, Araujo JP, et al. Age affects the prognostic impact of diabetes in chronic heart failure. Acta Diabetologica. 2018;55(3):271-8.
- Gaspar A, Lourenco AP, Pereira MA, Azevedo P, Roncon-Albuquerque R, Jr., Marques J, et al. Randomized controlled trial of remote ischaemic conditioning in ST-elevation myocardial infarction as adjuvant to primary angioplasty (RIC-STEMI). Basic Research in Cardiology. 2018;113(3).
- Leite-Moreira AM, Almeida-Coelho J, Neves JS, Pires AL, Ferreira-Martins J, Castro-Ferreira R, et al. Stretch-induced compliance: a novel adaptive biological mechanism following acute cardiac load. Cardiovascular Research. 2018;114(5):656-67.
- Lourenco AP, Leite-Moreira AF, Balligand J-L, Bauersachs J, Dawson D, de Boer RA, et al. An integrative translational approach to study heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a position paper from the Working Group on Myocardial Function of the European Society of Cardiology. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2018;20(2):216-27.
- Raimundo R, Moreira S, Saraiva F, Cerqueira RJ, Teixeira P, Salgueiro E, et al. Early and mid-term haemodynamic performance and clinical outcomes of St. Jude Medical Trifecta (TM) valve. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2018;10(2):889-98.
- Cerqueira, R.J., et al. Freedom Solo(R) versus Trifecta(R) bioprostheses: clinical and haemodynamic evaluation after propensity score matching. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 53, 1264-1271 (2018).
- Dias Bastos PA, Vlahou A, Leite-Moreira A, Santos LL, Ferreira R, Vitorino R. Deciphering the disease-related molecular networks using urine proteomics. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2017;94:200-9.
- Guerra M, Mendes-Ferreira P, Adao R, Pereira E, Vieira M, Lourenco AP, et al. Improvement in left intraventricular pressure gradients after aortic valve replacement in aortic stenosis patients. Exp Physiol. 2017;102(4):411-21.
- Bastos P, Trindade F, Ferreira R, Leite-Moreira A, Falcao-Pires I, Manadas B, et al. EDTA-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles: A suitable platform for the analysis of low abundance urinary proteins. Talanta. 2017;170:81-8.
- Pintalhao M, Castro-Chaves P, Vasques-Novoa F, Goncalves F, Mendonca L, Fontes-Carvalho R, et al. Relaxin serum levels in acute heart failure are associated with pulmonary hypertension and right heart overload. European journal of heart failure. 2017;19(2):218-25.
- Trindade F, Ferreira R, Magalhaes B, Leite-Moreira A, Falcao-Pires I, Vitorino R. How to use and integrate bioinformatics tools to compare proteomic data from distinct conditions? A tutorial using the pathological similarities between Aortic Valve Stenosis and Coronary Artery Disease as a case-study. J Proteomics. 2017.
- Trindade F, Bastos P, Leite-Moreira A, Manadas B, Ferreira R, Soares SF, et al. A fractionation approach applying chelating magnetic nanoparticles to characterize pericardial fluid's proteome. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2017;634:1-10.
- Trindade F, Leite-Moreira A, Ferreira-Martins J, Ferreira R, Falcao-Pires I, Vitorino R. Towards the standardization of stem cell therapy studies for ischemic heart diseases: Bridging the gap between animal models and the clinical setting. Int J Cardiol. 2017;228:465-80.
- Francisco C, Neves JS, Falcao-Pires I, Leite-Moreira A. Can Adiponectin Help us to Target Diastolic Dysfunction? Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2016;30(6):635-44.
- Mendes-Ferreira P, Santos-Ribeiro D, Adao R, Maia-Rocha C, Mendes-Ferreira M, Sousa-Mendes C, et al. Distinct right ventricle remodeling in response to pressure overload in the rat. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2016;311(1):H85-95.
- Santos-Ribeiro D, Mendes-Ferreira P, Maia-Rocha C, Adao R, Leite-Moreira AF, Bras-Silva C. Pulmonary arterial hypertension: Basic knowledge for clinicians. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases. 2016;109(10):550-61.
- Brás-Silva C. Paradoxo da obesidade na insuficiência cardíaca. Sessão: Obesidade e insuficiência cardíaca. 21º Congresso Português de Obesidade. Aveiro, Portugal, 24 a 26 Novembro 2017.
- Brás-Silva C. Caquexia Cardíaca. Sessão: O antes e o depois do Coração. 12º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação. Porto, Portugal, 9-10 Outubro 2017.
- Falcao-Pires I. How to integrate–omics in physiological heart failure studies no âmbito do congresso 2017 HFA Winter Meeting on Translational Heart Failure Research, Les Diablerets, Suíça. January 2017.
- Falcao-Pires I. Investigação de translação no encontro Rede Coimbra-Salamanca-Santiago-Porto em Ação: Tempo de Agir em Coimbra, Portugal. Setembro 2016.
- Falcao-Pires I. Myocardial reverse remodeling: how far can we rewind? no BIOCANT em Cantanhede, Portugal. Setembro 2016.
- Costa L, Lopes L, Leite S, Ferreira R, Domingues MR, Leite-Moreira A, Nogueira-Ferreira R, Lourenço AP. The impact of cholesterol supplementation on experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension. Plenary Session Presentation. 13th YES - Young European Scientist – Meeting, Porto, Portugal, September 2018.
- Rodrigues PG, Miranda-Silva D, Costa S, Barros C, Moura C, Mendes MJ, Linke W, Leite-Moreira AF, Falcão-Pires I. Early myocardium changes in doxorubicin-induced-cardiotoxicity. Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases (I NoTeS) Congress. Porto, Portugal, 22-23 June 2018.
- Trindade F, Saraiva F, Keane S, Leite-Moreira A, Vitorino R, Tajsharghi H, Falcão-Pires I. Exploring the aging hypothesis in incomplete myocardial reverse remodeling. I NoTeS – Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases, Porto, Portugal, 22-23 June 2018.
- Pinto R, Maia-Rocha C, Adão R, Mendes-Ferreira P, Leite-Moreira AF, Brás-Silva C. Expression of GLUT1 and GLUT4 in right ventricle in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension – Effects of chronic treatment with NRG1. IJUP' 18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto. Porto, Portugal, 7-9 February 2017.
- Costa L, Lopes L, Leite S, Ferreira R, Domingues MR, Leite-Moreira AF, Nogueira-Ferreira R, Lourenço AP. The impact of cholesterol supplementation in experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension. 13th YES Meeting, Porto, Portugal, 13-16 September 2018.
- Almeida Coelho J, Leite Moreira A, Neves JS, Hamdani N, Linke WA, Falcão-Pires I, Lourenço AP, Leite-Moreira AF. Titin phosphorylation by protein kinase G as a novel mechanism of diastolic adaptation to acute load. 46th European Muscle Conference. Potsdam, Germany, 19–22 September 2017. Selected for Young Investigator Award
- Goncalves NGN, Moura C, Silva AF, Rodrigues PG, Conceicao G, Santos MF, et al. The role of BNP on adipose tissue adaptations promoted by left ventricular chronic pressure overload. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2017;19:593-4.
- Moreira S, Saraiva FA, Cerqueira RJ, Melo R, Lourenco AP, Amorim MJ, Almeida J, Pinho P, Leite-Moreira AL. Low vs. high-gradient severe aortic stenosis: clinical results and ventricular remodelling. ESC (European Society of Cardiology) congress, Munich, Germany, August 2018.
- Ferreira AF, Saraiva FA, Cerqueira RJ, Moreira M, Amorim MJ, Pinho P, Lourenco AP, Moreira AL. Postoperative atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. ESC (European Society of Cardiology) congress, Munich, Germany, August 2018.
- Nogueira-Ferreira R, Ferreira R, Falcão-Pires I, Lourenço AP, Leite-Moreira AF, Moreira-Gonçalves M. Exercise training effect in adipose tissue and cardiac remodeling in a pre-clinical model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases (I NoTeS) Congress. Porto, Portugal, 22-23 June 2018.
- Monteiro-Gonçalves A, Neves JS, Conceição G, Fontoura D, Almeida-Coelho J, Miranda Silva D, S Leite S, Haffe MV, Vale C, Lourenço AP, Leite-Moreira AF, Falcão-Pires I. Effects of thyroid hormone supplementation on the contractility and Ca2+ transients of isolated cardiomyocytes isolated from an animal model of ICFEP. Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases (I NoTeS) Congress. Porto, Portugal, 22-23 June 2018.
- Costa L, Lopes L, Leite S, Ferreira R, Domingues MR, Leite-Moreira AF, Nogueira-Ferreira R, Lourenço AP. Tracking the effect of cholesterol supplementation in experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension. Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases (I NoTeS) Congress. Porto, Portugal, 22-23 June 2018.
- Miranda-Silva D, Alves E, Vasques-Nóvoa F, Baganha F, Conceição G, Rodrigues P, Fontoura D, Wust R, Lima T, Magalhães J, Leite-Moreira AF, Falcão-Pires I. Mitochondrial dysfunction and energetic abnormalities in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases (I NoTeS) Congress. Porto, Portugal, 22-23 June 2018.
- Conceição G, Miranda-Silva D, Leite S, Lourenço AP, Leite-Moreira AF, Falcão-Pires I. Ingestion of high fat diet promotes metabolic abnormalities and myocardial stiffening of hypertensive rats. Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases (I NoTeS) Congress. Porto, Portugal, 22-23 June 2018.
- Maia-Rocha C, Adão R, Mendes-Ferreira P, Leite-Moreira AF, Brás-Silva C. Expression of GLUT1 and GLUT4 in right ventricle in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension – Effects of chronic treatment with NRG1. 9º Simpósio de Metabolismo. Porto, Portugal, 18 October 2017.
- Trindade F, Falcao-Pires I, Leite-Moreira A, Gomes PS, Klein J, Ferreira R, et al. EndoProteoFASP as a Tool to Unveil the Peptidome-Protease Profile: Application to Salivary Diagnostics. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ). 2018; 1719:293-310.
- "Using the big data retrieved from Omics to understand cardiovascular diseases", March 14th, 2018, Faculty of Medicine of Porto University, Porto, Portugal.
- Liliana Isabel Moreira Costa, Evaluation of the effect of cholesterol supplementation on experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension, Master in Biochemistry – specialization in Clinical Biochemistry, University of Aveiro. July 2018.
- Alexandre Gonçalves, T3 Hormone as an effective therapy for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Effects on Ca2+ transients and contractility. Master in Biomedical Investigation, Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra. June 2018.
- Ana Ferreira, Characterization of right ventricle reverse remodelling after correction of aortic coarctation. Master in Cardiovascular Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. September 2017.
- Rui Miguel da Costa Adão, Pathophysiological role of urocortin-2 system in pulmonary hypertension-therapeutic implications. PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. January 2019.
- Jennifer Mancio Silva, Epicardial adipose tissue, coronary artery disease and cardiac remodelling in high-risk patients: EPICHEART Study. PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences,Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. July 2018.
- Miguel Guerra, Intraventricular Pressure Gradients: A Novel Approach for Ventricular Function Assessment in Normal and Failing Hearts. PhD in cardiovascular Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. October 2017.
- Pedro Mendes Ferreira, Neuregulin-1 role in pulmonary arterial hypertension and right ventricular failure. PhD in cardiovascular Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. May 2017.
Publicações do IPATIMUP
Published/Accepted for publication- Sadio A, Amaral AL, Nunes R, Ricardo S, Sarmento B, Almeida R, Tsukamoto H, das Neves J. A Mouse Intra-Intestinal Infusion Model and its Application to the Study of Nanoparticle Distribution. Frontiers in Physiology 2016; 7: 579. doi:10.3389/fphys.2016.00579.
- Alsina M, Gullo I, Carneiro F. Intratumoral heterogeneity in gastric cancer: a new challenge to face. Ann Oncol 2017; 28: 912-913. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdx134.
- Gullo I, Carneiro F, Oliveira C, Almeida GM: Heterogeneity in gastric cancer: From pure morphology to molecular classifications. Pathobiology 85: 50-63, 2018. doi: 10.1159/000473881.
- Rodrigues JP, David L, Almeida R, Barros R, Freitas T, Silva J, Ponte A, Sousa M, Silva JC, Carvalho J. Mechanisms of regulation of normal and metaplastic intestinal differentiation. Histology and histopathology 13:523-532, 2018. doi: 10.14670/HH-11-938.
- Bruun J, Sveen A, Barros R, Eide PW, Eilertsen I, Kolberg M, Pellinen T, David L, Svindland A, Kallioniemi O, Nesbakken A, Almeida R*, Lothe RA*. Prognostic, predictive and pharmacogenomic assessments of CDX2 refine stratification of colorectal cancer. Molecular Oncology 12:1639- 1639-1655, 2018. *Shared last authorship.
- Gullo I, Carvalho J, Martins D, Lemos D, Monteiro AR, Ferreira M, Das K, Tan P, Oliveira C, Carneiro F, Oliveira P: The Transcriptomic Landscape of Gastric Cancer: Insights into Epstein-Barr Virus Infected and Microsatellite Unstable Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(7). pii: E2079, 2018. doi: 10.3390/ijms19072079.
- Rocha JP, Gullo I, Wen X, Devezas V, Baptista M, Oliveira C, Carneiro F: Pathological features of total gastrectomy specimens from asymptomatic hereditary diffuse gastric cancer patients and implications for clinical management. Histopathology 73: 878-886,2018. doi: 10.1111/his.13715.
- Gullo I, Oliveira P, Athelogou M, Gonçalves G, Pinto ML, Carvalho J, Valente A, Pinheiro H, Andrade S, Almeida GM, Huss R, Das K, Tan P, Machado JC, Oliveira C, Carneiro F: New insights into the inflamed tumor immune microenvironment of gastric cancer with lymphoid stroma: from morphology and digital analysis to gene expression.Gastric Cancer 22(1): 77-90, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s10120-018-0836-8.
- Pedro Coelho, Raquel Costa, Susana G. Guerreiro, Raquel Soares and Sara Andrade. Breaking the borders between obesity and cancer. Recent Advances in Obesity: Understanding Obesity – From its Origins to Impact on Life, 2018, Bentham Science Publishers
- Gullo I, Carneiro F. Gastric Cancer: Pathology and Genetics. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Elsevier. 2018 doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238 -3.65076-6
- Gullo I, Gonçalves G, Pinto ML, Almeida GM, Oliveira C, Carneiro F. Gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma: A study of Epstein-Barr virus, microsatellite instability, tumour immune microenvironment and PD-L1 expression. Virchows Archiv 469 (Suppl1): S1–S346, 2016.
- Gullo I, Gonçalves G, Pinto ML, Athelogou M, Almeida GM, Oliveira C, Carneiro F. Gastric cancer with lymphoid stroma: a study of clinico-pathological profile, Epstein-Barr virus, microsatellite instability, tumour immune microenvironment and PD-L1 status. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2016;5(Suppl 1): A23, 2017.
- Gullo I, Oliveira P, Oliveira C, Carneiro F: A study of gene expression profiling in gastric adenocarcinoma: comparison between Epstein-Barr-Virus positive and microsatellite unstable tumours. Virchows Archiv 473 (Suppl 1): S2, 2018.
- Rocha J, Gullo I, Wen X, Devezas V, Baptista M, Oliveira C, Carneiro F: Pathological features of total gastrectomy specimens from asymptomatic hereditary diffuse gastric cancer patients and implications for clinical management. Virchows Archiv 473 (Suppl1):S173, 2018.
- Andrade S, Rocha R, Rodrigues I, Gullo I, Gonçalves G, Pedro J, Carvalho D, Carneiro F, Soares R: Na intersecção entre diabetes e cancro: o papel da angiogénese e inflamação. Revista Portuguesa de Diabetes 13: Suppl 45-117, pg 91, 2018.
- Oliveira C. Molecular determinants of gastric cancer: genotypes, phenotypes and impact in progression and treatment. Seminar series National Cancer Center Research Institute, August 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
- Oliveira C. Molecular determinants of gastric cancer: genotypes, phenotypes and impact in progression and treatment. Seminar at Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (ISPUP), March 2017, Porto, Portugal.
- Oliveira C. The translational value of germline and somatic mechanisms for diagnosis and anti-cancer therapy in gastric cancer. Integrative Program Seminar Series: Cancer Research Line, April 2017, Porto, Portugal.
- Oliveira C. RL1 - A multi-omics approach to decipher diabetes-related molecular targets in cancer: a step towards precision medicine. DOCnet Consortium Meeting, May 2017,Porto, Portugal.
- Oliveira C. Clinical utility of high-throughput genome analysis and impact for patient treatment. First DOCnet Consortium Meeting, May 2017, Porto, Portugal.
- Gullo I, Gonçalves G, Pinto ML, Athelogou M, Almeida GM, Oliveira C, Carneiro F. Gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma in the era of the immune context and immunotherapies. Symposium on Immunomodularion in cancer and regeneration, June 2017, Porto, Portugal.
- Rocha, R., Rodrigues, I., Gullo, I., Gonçalves, G., Pedro, J., Carvalho, D., Carneiro, F., Soares, R., Andrade, S. Angiogenesis and inflammation at the crossroads between diabetes and cancer. 12th YES Meeting, September 2017, Porto, Portugal.
- Gullo I. Gastric Cancer with Lymphoid Stroma. New insights into histopathology, tumour immune microenvironment and molecular characterisation. The meeting Bordeaux-Porto on Molecular Pathology, October 2017, Bordeaux, France.
- Gullo I. Gastric Cancer with Lymphoid Stroma. New insights into histopathology, tumour immune microenvironment and molecular characterisation. 6º Encontro Doutorandos da FMUP, October 2017, Porto, Portugal.
- P. Mesquita, A. F. Freire, N. Lopes, B. Pereira, R. Barros, R. Coelho, L. David, R. Almeida. SOX9 expression predicts better prognosis of gastric cancer patients. Poster presentation in the 6th i3S Annual Meeting, November 2017, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
- Oliveira C. From diseases to causative molecular events: genetic, epigenetic and horizontally transferable mechanisms. Lecture on Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, December 2017, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Andrade, S.*, Rocha, R.*, Rodrigues, I., Gullo, I., Gonçalves, G., Pedro, J., Carvalho, D., Carneiro, F., Soares, R. Na intersecção entre diabetes e cancro: o papel da angiogénese e inflamação. 14º Congresso Português de Diabetes, March 2018, Vilamoura, Portugal.
- Gullo I, Oliveira P, Athelogou M, Gonçalves G, Pinto ML, Carvalho J, Valente A, Pinheiro H, Andrade S, Almeida GM, Huss R, Das K, Tan P, Machado JC, Oliveira C, Carneiro F. New insights into the inflamed tumor immune microenvironment of gastric cancer with lymphoid stroma: from morphology and digital analysis to gene expression. 25th Porto Cancer Meeting, April 2018, Porto, Portugal.
- Soares SM, Mesquita P, Marques C, Barros R, Amaral AL, Azevedo D, Freire AF, David L, Almeida R. SOX2 predicts stage II CRC patients response to adjuvant chemotherapy.3rd ASPIC International Congress, May 2018, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Mesquita P, Freire AF, Lopes N, Cavadas B, Pereira B, Barros R, Coelho R, David L, Pereira L, Almeida R. Loss of SOX9 expression is a predictive marker of relapse in gastric cancer. 3rd ASPIC International Congress, May 2018, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Gullo I. Gene expression profiling in Gastric Cancer. Insights into EBV+ and MSI-high molecular subtypes. 1st ESP Academy, June 2018, Waterloo, Belgium.
- Mesquita P, Freire AF, Lopes N, Cavadas B, Pereira B, Barros R, Coelho R, David L, Pereira L, Almeida R. Loss of SOX9 expression is a predictive marker of relapse in gastric cancer. 25th Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research, July 2018, Amsterdam, Holland.
- Oliveira C. Gastric Cancer: the genetics behind the biology of a lethal disease. Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal. Tema - 3 - Saúde de Qualidade – ONCOLOGIA, July 2018, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Ribeirinho S, Mesquita P, Freire AF, Pádua D, Coelho R, Marques C, Barros R, Amaral AL, Azevedo D, David L, Almeida R. SOX2 as a predictive biomarker of resistance to therapy in stage II CRC patients. 7th i3S Annual Meeting, November 2018, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
- Freire AF, Pádua D, Ribeirinho-Soares S, Pereira F, Mesquita P, Almeida R. Isolation and characterization of intestinal CSCs using a traceable lentiviral-based reporter system.7th i3S Annual Meeting, November 2018, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
- Almeida GM, Pereira C, Ferreira D, Lemos C, Martins D, Mendes N, Almeida D, Granja P, Carneiro F, Almeida R, Oliveira C: CD44v6 expression is a potential marker of prognosis and therapy response in gastric cancer patients. Annual Meeting (i3S),November 2018, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
- Oliveira C. Gastric Cancer: novel germline predisposing factors and somatic prognostic markers. I3S-Integrative Program Seminar Series: Cancer Research Line, December 2018, Porto, Portugal.
- Carneiro F: Molecular pathology of gastric cancer. 9th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Singapore Gastric Cancer Consortium. Singapore, 20 de Julho de 2016.
- Carneiro F. Molecular pathology of gastric cancer. 89th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association. Hiroshima (Japan), 10 de Março de 2017.
- Carneiro F: Carcinogenesis of gastric cancer through the eyes of a pathologist. ESMO 19th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer. Barcelona, 28 a 30 de Junho de 2017.
- Carneiro F: Molecular pathology of gastric cancer: knowns and unknowns. 4th Porto-Bodeaux Meeting. Bordeaux, 13 de Outubro de 2017.
- Carneiro F: Keynote lecture - Molecular pathology of gastric cancer: knowns and unknowns. 5th Pannonia Congresso of Pathology. República Checa (Mikulov), 16 e 17 de Maio de 2018.
- Carneiro F: Knowledge translation of research findings. 30th European Congress of Pathology. Espanha (Bilbao), 8 a 12 de Setembro de 2018.
- Carneiro F: Molecular classification of gastric cancer. The new frontiers in gastric cancer diagnosis and treatment. Italy (Forli), 13 e 14 de Setembro de 2018.
- Carneiro F: Pathology and carcinogenesis and its potential clinical impact. ESMO Perceptorship on Gastric Cancer. Espanha (Valencia), 28 e 29 de Setembro de 2018.
- Carneiro F: Histological and molecular classifications of gastric cancer: Which markers are useful for clinical management of patients? UEG Week Vienna 2018. Austria (Vienna), 20 a 24 de Outubro de 2018.
- Carneiro F: Molecular pathology of gastric cancer. Novel insights and possible future applications. Carrefour de Pathologie 2018. France (Paris), 6 de Novembro de 2018.
- Ana Rita Rocha; "Diabetes and cancer crosstalk: the role of angiogenesis and inflammation".
- Sara Ribeirinho Soares: "New molecular prognostic and predictive biomarkers in stage II colorectal cancer".
- Ana Adelaide Direito Sadio "Reverting Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia using siRNAs directed to CDX2".
- Irene Gullo: "Morphologic, immunophenotypic and molecular heterogeneity of Gastric Cancer".
Publicações do ISPUP
Published/Accepted for publication- Freitas AI, Moreira C, Santos AC. Time trends in prevalence and incidence rates of childhood overweight and obesity in Portugal: Generation XXI birth cohort. Int J Obes (Lond), 2018 Dec 19. doi: 10.1038/s41366-018-0286-8. [Epub ahead of print]
- Moreira C, Meira-Machado L, Fonseca MJ, Santos AC. A multi-state model for analysing transitions between body mass index categories during childhood - Generation XXI birth cohort study. American Journal of Epidemiology. Feb 1 2019;188(2):305-13. doi:10.1093/aje/kwy232
- Monjardino T, Henriques A, Moreira C, Rodrigues T, Adubeiro N, Nogueira L, Cooper C, Santos AC, Lucas R. Gestational Weight Gain and Offspring Bone Mass: Different Associations in Healthy Weight versus Overweight Women. J Bone Miner Res. 2019 Jan;34(1):38-48. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.3587
- Miranda JO, Cerqueira RJ, Barros H, Areias JC. Maternal Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor for High Blood Pressure in Late Childhood. Hypertension, 2019, 73(1). doi:10.1161/hypertensionaha.118.11761
- Fonseca MJ, Severo M, Lawlor DA, Barros H, Santos AC. Newborn weight change and childhood cardio-metabolic traits – a prospective cohort study. BMC Peditarics. In Press (accepted in June 2018)
- Cabral M, Fonseca MJ, González-Beiras C, Santos AC, Correia-Costa L, Barros H. Maternal Smoking: A Life Course Blood Pressure Determinant? Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Volume 20, Issue 6, 3 May 2018, Pages 674–680, doi:10.1093/ntr/ntx117
- Monjardino T, Rodrigues T, Inskip H, Harvey N, Cooper C, Santos AC, Lucas R. Weight Trajectories from Birth and Bone Mineralization at 7 Years of Age. J Pediatr. 2017 Dec;191:117-124.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.08.033.
- Rocha V, Ribeiro AI, Severo M, Barros H, Fraga S. Neighbourhood socioeconomic deprivation and health-related quality of life: a multilevel analysis. PLoS One 2017 Dec 13;12(12):e0188736. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188736
- Martins A, Monjardino T, Nogueira ML, Canhão H, Lucas R. Do bone mineral content and density determine fracture in children? A possible threshold for physical activity. Ped Res, 2017 May 24. doi: 10.1038/pr.2017.113.
- Silva JP. Biobancos e investigação médica e em saúde: mudança e incerteza, in "Biobancos, investigação e saúde pública: promessas e desafios" (eds Silva JP and Barros H).
- Santos AC, Severo M, Fonseca MJ, Barros H. Cardiometabolic risk in early children: underpinning the effect of longitudinal growth trajectories. The Generation XXI study. International Conference on Childhood Obesity. Lisbon, Portugal (July, 2017).
- Moreira C, Uña-Álvarez J. Flexible Hazard rate estimation under interval sampling. 38th Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Vigo, Spain (July, 2017)
- Fonseca MJ, Lawlor D, Barros H, Santos AC. Understanding the direct and BMI-mediated association between birth weight and childhood cardio-metabolic health – findings from a prospective birth cohort. 10th World Congress on Development Origins of Health and Disease, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (October, 2017)
- Moreira C, Uña-Álvarez J, Santos AC, Barros H. Métodos de suavização para estimar a função hazard em dados com truncatura dupla. XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa da Estatística, Lisbon, Portugal (October, 2017)
- Freitas AI, Moreira C, Santos AC. Time trends in prevalence and incidence rates of childhood overweight and obesity in Portugal: Generation XXI birth cohort. 10th European Public Health Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (November, 2017)
- Maia I, Monjardino T, Lucas R, Ramos E, Santos AC. Prevalence of food insecurity and associated socio-demographic characteristics in young adults: evidence from a Portuguese population-based sample. 10th European Public Health Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (November, 2017)
- Silva JP. Biobancos e investigação médica e em saúde: mudança e incerteza. Seminário: "Biobancos, investigação e saúde pública: promessas e desafios, Porto, Portugal (February, 2018).
- Moreira C, Uña-Álvarez J, Santos AC. Nonparametric estimation of the joint distribution of two gap times under various types of censoring and truncation. 40th International Society of Nonparametric Statistics, Salerno, Italy. (June, 2018)
- Moreira C, Meira-Machado L, Fonseca MJ, Santos AC. Body Mass index transitions during childhood: a multi-state approach.European Congress of Epidemioloy, Lyon, France (July, 2018).
- Carvalho O, Barros H. Biobanco do Instituto de Saúde Publica da UP. Encontro "Ciência 2018", Lisbon, Portugal (July, 2018)
- Maia I, Moreira C, Ramos E, Santos AC. Estudo do efeito da não participação na estimativa da prevalência de insegurança alimentar. XIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia e XXXVI Reunion Cientifica de la SEE (September, 2018)
- Queiroga AC, Santos AC, Maia I, Barros H. Age at menarche: results from 2 population-based cohorts of adolescents and adults from Portugal. XIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia e XXXVI Reunion Cientifica de la SEE (September, 2018)
- Fábio Miguel Azevedo Araújo. "Sagittal standing posture among school-aged children: patterns and their relation with anthropometrics and body composition" Supervisor: Raquel Lucas , Co-Supervisor: Henrique Barros. (2017) Doutoramnento em Saúde Pública, Universidade do Porto
Coming soon
Professor Henrique Barros, líder de uma das linhas de investigação do projeto DOCnet, é o novo Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Saúde
Professora Fátima Carneiro, líder de uma das linhas de investigação do projeto DOCnet, é eleita a patologista mais influente do mundo
ESC 2018
A UnIC – Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Cardiovascular da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP), esteve mais uma vez presente no Congresso Europeu de Cardiologia 2018, que decorreu de 25 a 29 de agosto, em Munique.
“Prognostic value of cardiac troponin after coronary artery bypass grafting” é o título do trabalho que foi apresentado pela Dr.ª Francisca Saraiva. O objetivo deste estudo retrospetivo foi avaliar o impacto prognóstico das troponinas cardíacas após a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. A Drª Ana Filipa Ferreira apresentou o trabalho intitulado “Postoperative atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery”, onde descreve a importância do desenvolvimento de scores preditivos de fibrilhação auricular após cirurgia cardíaca. A Drª Francisca Saraiva e a Drª Ana Filipa Ferreira são ambas estudantes de doutoramento da FMUP e investigadoras da UnIC.
Professor Adelino Leite Moreira, coordenador do projeto DOCnet, vence prémio de excelência na investigação científica
Professora Fátima Carneiro, líder de uma das linhas de investigação do projeto DOCnet, integra equipa que publicou recentemente um artigo na prestigiada revista de gastroenterologia Gut
I NoTeS Congress
Encontram-se abertas as inscrições para o I NoTeS Congress - Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Noncommunicable Diseases que decorrerá no Auditório CIM da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP), nos dias 22 e 23 de junho de 2018.
As doenças mais comuns da civilização moderna, que frequentemente resultam de uma incompatibilidade entre a fisiologia humana e o estilo de vida atual, são não-comunicáveis. Constituem exemplos a doença coronária, a hipertensão, a diabetes tipo 2, o cancro e a obesidade.
O Congresso NoTeS pretende fomentar a discussão nesta temática, tendo por base os mais recentes avanços científicos na interação estilo de vida/doença, a par das novas abordagens que visam diminuir o risco e a progressão das principais doenças crónicas.
Mais informações e inscrições em:
DOCnet Consortium Meeting
The first meeting of the project DOCnet (Diabetes & obesity at the crossroads between Oncological and Cardiovascular diseases – a system analysis NETwork towards precision medicine - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000003) took place on May 4th, 2017 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
In the morning session, the project coordinator introduced the scientific concept and main objectives of DOCnet. In addition, each research line (RL) coordinator presented the specific objectives, as well as the scientific outputs and achievements obtained during the 1st year of its execution. In the end of each presentation, there were extensive discussions with the purpose of clarifying the main scientific objectives of each RL and defining strategies to optimize the links and interactions between the RLs.
In the afternoon session, some of the work performed in the context of DOCnet was presented by the involved investigators aiming to foster integration of the scientific activities.
This event was a success as it promoted an active discussion of the ongoing and future research activities within DOCnet while also allowing the interaction of all members of the consortium, as defined in the networking strategies.
All scientific activities are being carried out accordingly to the proposed timeline and the milestones of each research line (RL), namely: i) RL1 - A multi-omics approach to decipher diabetes-related molecular targets in cancer: a step towards precision medicine (co-promotor: IPATIMUP – I3S; Responsible researcher: Fátima Carneiro); ii) RL2 - Cardiovascular phenomapping in the continuum from risk population to end-stage disease (co-promotor: UnIC – FMUP; Responsible researcher: Adelino Leite-Moreira), and iii) RL3 - Integration of metabolic risk markers into the expo some for prediction and prevention of oncological and CV diseases (co-promotor: ISPUP – UP; Responsible researcher: Henrique Barros).
ESC 2017
UNIC researchers, one of the project partners, was present in the last ESC, held in Barcelona between 26-30 august. The world’s largest cardiovascular congress with over 500 experts sessions and more than 4 500 abstracts contributing to the advancement of cardiovascular medicine worldwide.
Renowned for its scientific excellence, the congress was a great opportunity for our researchers to present some of the results of the Project.
Consortium Leader
Adelino Leite Moreira
Full Professor / Coordinator of Cardiovascular Research Centre (UniC)
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto
Phone: (+351)225 553 644
Please contact us using contact form below.